Reading 1 Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20 King Darius issued an order to the officials of West-of-Euphrates: “Let the governor and the elders of the Jews continue the work on that house of God; they are to rebuild it on its former site. I also issue this decree concerning your dealing with these elders of the […]
Tuesday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1 Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20 King Darius issued an order to the officials of West-of-Euphrates: “Let the governor and the elders of the Jews continue the work on that house of God; they are to rebuild it on its former site. I also issue this decree concerning your dealing with these elders of the […]
Tuesday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1 Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20 King Darius issued an order to the officials of West-of-Euphrates: “Let the governor and the elders of the Jews continue the work on that house of God; they are to rebuild it on its former site. I also issue this decree concerning your dealing with these elders of the […]
Tuesday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1 Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20 King Darius issued an order to the officials of West-of-Euphrates: “Let the governor and the elders of the Jews continue the work on that house of God; they are to rebuild it on its former site. I also issue this decree concerning your dealing with these elders of the […]
Tuesday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1 Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20 King Darius issued an order to the officials of West-of-Euphrates: “Let the governor and the elders of the Jews continue the work on that house of God; they are to rebuild it on its former site. I also issue this decree concerning your dealing with these elders of the […]
Tuesday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1 Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20 King Darius issued an order to the officials of West-of-Euphrates: “Let the governor and the elders of the Jews continue the work on that house of God; they are to rebuild it on its former site. I also issue this decree concerning your dealing with these elders of the […]
Tuesday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1 Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20 King Darius issued an order to the officials of West-of-Euphrates: “Let the governor and the elders of the Jews continue the work on that house of God; they are to rebuild it on its former site. I also issue this decree concerning your dealing with these elders of the […]
Tuesday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1 Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20 King Darius issued an order to the officials of West-of-Euphrates: “Let the governor and the elders of the Jews continue the work on that house of God; they are to rebuild it on its former site. I also issue this decree concerning your dealing with these elders of the […]
Tuesday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1 Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20 King Darius issued an order to the officials of West-of-Euphrates: “Let the governor and the elders of the Jews continue the work on that house of God; they are to rebuild it on its former site. I also issue this decree concerning your dealing with these elders of the […]